
Home / Grounded

I created the painting “Grounded” to express my own need for grounding. I wanted to create a painting that would help me to feel calm and at peace, even when I was feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
The symbols in the painting all represent different ways that I find grounding. The warm, earthy blanket represents the comfort and security of home. The salt bath represents the ability to detoxify the body and mind. The ear represents the importance of listening to positive thoughts and affirmations. The candle represents light and hope. And the artist’s portrait with leaves represents connection to nature.
When I look at the painting “Grounded,” I am reminded of the things that help me to feel grounded. It is a reminder that I am not alone and that there are things that I can do to take care of myself. I hope that the painting “Grounded” can also help others to find a sense of grounding. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take some time to sit quietly and contemplate the painting. Allow the colors, shapes, and symbols to work their magic and help you to find a sense of peace and grounding.

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