The Need for Connection

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This painting is a representation of the human need for connection. The top left of the painting shows two hands reaching out for connection, while the middle of the painting on the right has an ear and mouth for people who truly listen when we speak and are there for us. There are two faces in the middle of the painting left and right which represent the two faces of humanity, one that is truly engaged and in the moment, and the other that is disconnected and outside the moment. The jellyfish on the bottom represents transparency and vulnerability. The bottom left of the painting has a room where a person can feel isolated and alone, representing the loneliness people feel, while the bottom right has an angry emoji which represents the anger we feel from disconnection. The painting also has a chained heart, representing the fear from vulnerability and opening our heart up, and there are chains around the heart because we all have our hearts locked up to a certain extent. The painting also has a “Number 2” on the top, which represents not being prioritized and feeling that other things come before you, making us feel disconnected. Finally, there is a phone under the hand which represents the queen of all distractions. Overall, the painting is a representation of the struggles and emotions we face while striving for connection.

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